Thank you for your interest in Victor Stanley’s LA Q&A! Students and recent graduates, please fill out the form below for an opportunity to sit down for a virtual conversation with René Bihan, the Managing Principal of SWA Group’s San Francisco office. The conversation between the chosen applicant and René Bihan is currently set to take place live with a virtual audience. Entries are limited.

This program is open to undergraduate Landscape Architecture students that have graduated within the past year (no earlier than 2019), undergraduate Landscape Architecture students that will graduate within a year (no later than Fall 2022), and graduate Landscape Architecture students (any year).

René Bihan
René Bihan is an accomplished landscape architect, urban designer, and educator interested in issues of urbanism and landscape design and their symbiotic relationship to dense urban cities. René is a board member for The Cultural Landscape Foundation and an active member of the Bay Area’s architecture and design community. He has been a Commissioner for the San Francisco Arts Commission, sat on the Civic Design Review Panel and has been a member of the Better Streets Advisory Committee. He has an in-depth familiarity with construction, studio arts, and contemporary architecture. René credits this varied background with his desire to synthesize conceptual ideas with practical solutions on a wide variety of development projects around the world.

*required fields

  • Questions from the LA

  • Student's Questions for the LA

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